Establish a mechanism for citizens to submit petitions to local councils requiring councils to conduct town hall meetings
Subsection 5.4, Policy 2, Strategy 2.1c
Date Updated
Mar 31, 2025
Fully Realized
Mechanism for Realization
LGA has developed and published a Townhall meeting policy (01/221/2019އ) on 2nd January 2019 detailing the procedure for citizens to submit request to local councils for holding town hall meetings. A template for townhall meeting policies that has to be developed by councils was developed and shared with councils.
Mechanism for citizens to submit petitions to local councils requiring councils to conduct town hall meetings published by LGA

The Government’s Strategic Action Plan (SAP) 2019 – 2023 provides a detailed development agenda across five priority areas for the administration. Each priority area includes several targets, strategies, and actions, in addition to a timeline and a list of implementing agencies.

Priority area 5.4: Accountable State follows the premise of Article 4 of the Constitution, which affirms that all powers of the State of the Maldives are derived from, and remain with, the citizens. The government has reiterated that State actors need to be accountable and answerable to the public. Strategy 2.1 of this section is to develop a mechanism for citizens to submit concerns regarding adherence to codes of conduct of State Institutions and propose ways to amend laws, regulations and policies on matters of significance to the public.

Strategy 2.1c: Establish a mechanism for citizens to submit petitions to local councils requiring councils to conduct town hall meetings. The Lead Implementer for this action is Local Government Authority, who are supported by Attorney General’s Office and President Office.

The status of this action has been updated based on the response by Local Government Authority to a RTI Request submitted by Transparency Maldives

LGA Townhall Policy

Council Meeting Policy


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