Develop centralised and integrated information management systems
Subsection 5.5, Policy 2
Date Updated
Aug 25, 2022
Not Realized
Mechanism for Realization
A National Data Centre was planned to be formulated to take lead on this action. However, such an institution has not been formed and the Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Technology (MoECCT) was identified as the de-facto lead implementing agency for the action. The ministry reported that an enhanced version of the Government E-letter Management System (GEMS) is being worked on, alongside a Government Tech Stack to implement a convenient mechanism to allow access to authorised datasets in government institutes
ADM Report on State Compliance to the Mandatory Proactive Disclosure Requirements of the Right to Information Act [Law Number 1/2014] of the Maldives

The Government’s Strategic Action Plan (SAP) 2019 – 2023 provides a detailed development agenda across five priority areas for the administration headed by President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. Each priority area includes several targets, strategies, and actions, in addition to a timeline and a list of implementing agencies.

Subsection 5.5: Independent Institutions and Public Service Reform seeks to implement an effective accountability framework for independent institutions. Actions in this subsection pertain to legislative changes, obligatory submissions as well as civil service reform, through increased human resource capacity building, application of technology and management tools. Several actions under the policy to create a modern public administration system were monitored under this subsection

Under Strategy 2.2 to strengthen planning, monitoring and data/statistics management within the state, Action 2.2d is to develop centralised and integrated information management systems to make information readily available. This action is planned to be completed between 2020 – 2023.